Assisted Living

Assisted Living Communities are created for seniors who need more help with day-to-day activities but do not need regular medical care. Those who choose this option have access to 24 hour emergency care and assistance with daily tasks but are encouraged to retain their independence. Many people with Alzheimer's and Dementia can still be good candidates to live safely in Assisted Living.

Independent Living

Independent Living is for people who want to move from their home into a maintenance-free living. The purpose of being in Independent Living is to get rid of the mundane chores of every day life and spend your time socializing and participating in activities you enjoy.

Memory Care

Memory Care is a form of residential long term care that provides intensive and specialized care for people with memory issues. A common misconception about Memory Care is that every person with Alzheimer's and Dementia must be placed in one of these communities. These communities provide very specialized care for people who need extra physical or emotional support. We are very skilled in helping determine which level of placement your loved one would need.

Other resources we can help with

  • Respite Care

  • In-Home Care

  • Hospice Care

  • Skilled Nursing Facilities

  • Nursing Homes